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“All the world in a patched pocket” — a lecture by Russian traveler took place in Moscow

Материал из Викиновостей, свободного источника новостей
Other languages: русский • English

[[Ошибка выражения: неопознанный символ пунктуации «я» февраля|январь 17, 2025.02]].2025

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On January 17, 2025 the M. A. Sholokhov Cultural Center at Moscow Library No. 128 hosted a creative evening with the writer and traveler Viktor Pinchuk, who has traveled to dozens of exotic countries and islands using a unique technique that allows him to travel around the world with minimal expense.

The event was of a popular science nature, providing listeners not only with information about long intercontinental travels around the planet, but also historical and geographical material of a visual nature — photographs and short videos filmed in Africa, Asia, Oceania and Latin America. The lecturer introduced those present to the methodological manual “Hobo Tourism”; briefly outlined the main points of the textbook, focusing on curious cases, thereby warning potential travelers from repeating his mistakes; answered all questions.

Video material presented at the event

Photographic material presented at the event