
Материал из Викиновостей, свободного источника новостей

Замечание: Возможно, после публикации вам придётся очистить кэш своего браузера, чтобы увидеть изменения.

  • Firefox / Safari: Удерживая клавишу Shift, нажмите на панели инструментов Обновить либо нажмите Ctrl+F5 или Ctrl+R (⌘+R на Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Нажмите Ctrl+Shift+R (⌘+Shift+R на Mac)
  • Internet Explorer / Edge: Удерживая Ctrl, нажмите Обновить либо нажмите Ctrl+F5
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categorynewsfeed.js creates a newsfeed in the categories of Russian Wikinews.
creator: Alexander Krassotkin ([[User:Krassotkin]]), Simon Krassotkin ([[User:DonSimon]])
created: 20210825
version: 20220903
history: 20210825-20220903

"use strict";

const countOfNewsString = 50;
const wikinewsApiEndpoint = "";
const wikinewsApiMobileEndpoint = "";
const wikinewsArticleUrlPrefix = "";
const wikinewsMobileArticleUrlPrefix = "";
const wikinewsSearchStaticParams = "action=query&list=search&srnamespace=0&srsort=create_timestamp_desc&format=json"; 

let newsFeedLocationElement = null;

function main() {
 newsFeedLocationElement = document.getElementById("newsFeedLocation");
 if(newsFeedLocationElement == null) {
  //console.log("categorynewsfeed:main: newsFeedLocation element not found.");
 // newsFeedLocationElement.innerHTML = "<hr /><hr />";
 let articleUrlPrefix = "";
 let apiBaseUrl = "";
 var myUrl = document.location.href;
 if(myUrl.indexOf("ru.m") >= 0) {
 	articleUrlPrefix = wikinewsMobileArticleUrlPrefix;
	apiBaseUrl = wikinewsApiMobileEndpoint;
	var back = document.getElementById("background");
	if(back != null) {
		document.getElementById("background").style.display = 'none';
 } else {
 	articleUrlPrefix = wikinewsArticleUrlPrefix;
 	apiBaseUrl = wikinewsApiEndpoint;
 let categoryTitle = "";
 var categoryName = "";
 var value = document.getElementById('firstHeading').innerText; 
 if(value == null) {
 	//console.log("categorynewsfeed:main: firstHeading element not found.");
 	var wiki_title = document.title;
 	value = wiki_title.slice(0, -14); 
 var categoryState = value.substring(0, 10);
 categoryTitle = value.substring(10);
 if(categoryState == "Категория:") {
 	categoryName = categoryTitle;
 } else {
 	console.log("categorynewsfeed:main: This is not a category.");
 // console.log("categorynewsfeed:main: This is a category by name: " + categoryName);
 let encodedSearchString = encodeURI("incategory:\"" + categoryName + "\"");
 encodedSearchString += "+" + encodeURI("-incategory:\"Архивные новости\"") + "+" + encodeURI("-incategory:\"Не публиковать\"");
 encodedSearchString += "+" + encodeURI("-incategory:\"Ожидаемые события по датам\"") + "+" + encodeURI("-incategory:\"Викиновости коротко\"");
 let wikinewsSearchUrl = apiBaseUrl + "?" + wikinewsSearchStaticParams + "&srlimit=" + countOfNewsString + "&srsearch=" + encodedSearchString;
 // console.log("categorynewsfeed:main:wikinewsSearchUrl: " + wikinewsSearchUrl);
 fetch(wikinewsSearchUrl).then(response => response.json()).then(data => processWikinewsList(data, articleUrlPrefix));

async function processWikinewsList(responseJson, articleUrlPrefix) {
 // console.log("categorynewsfeed:processWikinewsList:responseJson: " + responseJson);
 // console.log("categorynewsfeed:processWikinewsList:responseJson string: " + JSON.stringify(responseJson));
 let countOfNews = responseJson.query.searchinfo.totalhits;
 // console.log("categorynewsfeed:processWikinewsList:countOfNews: " + countOfNews);
 let feeds = "";
 if(countOfNews > 0) {
  feeds = "<div style=\"border-bottom:1px solid #a2a9b1;font-family:'Linux Libertine','Georgia','Times',serif;font-size:1.5em;font-weight:normal;margin-top:1em;\">Последние новости</div>\n";
  feeds += "<ul class=\"feeds\" style=\"font-size:1em;\">\n";
  for(const articlejson of {
   let feedElement = " <li class=\"feedElement\"><a href=\"" + articleUrlPrefix + encodeURI(articlejson.title) + "\">" + articlejson.title + "</a></li>\n";
   feeds += feedElement;
  feeds += "</ul>";
 newsFeedLocationElement.innerHTML = feeds;
