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Соратник Навального опубликовал санкционный список

Материал из Викиновостей, свободного источника новостей

19 января 2021 года

Алексей Навальный
Владимир Ашурков

Живущий в Великобритании исполнительный директор Фонда борьбы с коррупцией Владимир Ашурков опубликовал в фейсбуке список из восьми человек, против которых Алексей Навальный предлагает странам Запада ввести санкции.

Список, как утверждает Ашурков, был составлен Навальным за несколько дней до его возвращения в Россию 17 января 2021 года.

Как пишет Ашурков, угроза санкций против упомянутых лиц может заставить российские власти освободить Навального.

В списке восемь человек: бизнесмен Роман Абрамович, топ-менеджер ВТБ Денис Бортников, сын главы ФСБ Александра Бортникова, названный «кошельком» своего отца, президент ВТБ Андрей Костин, министр здравоохранения Михаил Мурашко, названный ответственным за сокрытие фактов об отравлении Навального, министр сельского хозяйства Дмитрий Патрушев, сын главы Совбеза Николая Патрушева, глава ВЭБ.РФ Игорь Шувалов, телеведущий Владимир Соловьёв и бизнесмен Алишер Усманов.

Большинство упомянутых в списке были «героями» расследований Навального и его Фонда борьбы с коррупцией.

Как пишет Ашурков, Навальный уже долгое время выступает за индивидуальные санкции против ключевых российских олигархов.

По его мнению, Запад должен накладывать их не на чиновников и рядовых исполнителей, а на «лиц, принимающих решения, и тех, кто контролирует их деньги».

Полный текст сообщения на английском языке:

As we are watching the developing situation with Alexey Navalny’s detention in Russia, I would like to share the following.
Imprisoning a man for missing parole meetings while he was recovering from being poisoned and who bravely returned to Russia is outrageous and farcical. Pushing this further, keeping Alexey detained or accusing him of more crimes must have consequences.
Alexey and our team have been for years advocating individual sanctions against perpetrators of abuse of human rights, the election system, and law enforcement in Russia, as well as corrupt officials and businessmen. Shortly before Alexey flew back to Russia, we had a discussion about why sanctions aren’t working. He said that sanctions aren’t working because the West has refrained from sanctioning the people with the money. It is not enough to sanction the operatives who just follow orders in arresting and assassinating dissidents. The West must sanction the decision makers and the people who hold their money. Nothing less will make an impact on the behavior of the Russian authorities.
Just a few days before Alexey boarded his flight to Moscow, we agreed on a list of people he felt should be sanctioned if the West wanted to get serious about encouraging Russia to cease attacking human rights and to rein in corruption. He also identified the top eight people on his list.
When Alexey gave me his list, it had nothing to do with him or his return. He expected me to bring the list to the attention of Western governments and work slowly towards a more rational and effective way of weakening the corrupt Putin regime and encouraging better behavior.
However, with Alexey’s arrest and the regime threatening to imprison him for years, I have decided that the best use of Alexey’s list at this time is to make it public.
As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, «Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.» I call for Western governments to review this list and make it known that they will sanction people from it if Alexey is not immediately released.
Roman Abramovich — one of the key enablers and beneficiaries of Russian kleptocracy, with significant ties/assets in the West.
Denis Bortnikov — Deputy President and Chairman of VTB Bank Management Board. He is the son of Alexander Bortnikov, FSB director and a key ally of Vladimir Putin, and he has been acting as a «wallet» for his father’s ill-gotten gains.
Andrey Kostin — President and Chairman of the Management Board of state-owned VTB Bank, a key facilitator of corrupt money flows related to the functioning of the Russian government and security services. Mikhail Murashko — Minister of Healthcare of Russia, responsible for covering up Alexey’s poisoning and hindering efforts to evacuate him to Germany for medical treatment.
Dmitry Patrushev — Minister of Agriculture of Russia. He is the son of Nikolai Patrushev, director of the Security Council of Russia and a key ally of Vladimir Putin, and he has been acting as a «wallet» for his father’s ill-gotten gains.
Igor Shuvalov — Chairman of the State Development Corporation VEB.RF, a former senior government official, who has been instrumental in creating the system of state corruption, which took over the Russian political and legislative institutions.
Vladimir Solovyev — a key Russian state media personality, one of the primary mouthpieces of authoritarian propaganda.
Alisher Usmanov — one of the key enablers and beneficiaries of Russian kleptocracy, with significant ties/assets in the West.


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Эта статья содержит материалы из статьи «Соратник Навального опубликовал санкционный список», автор: Служба новостей «Голоса Америки», опубликованной VOA News и находящейся в общественном достоянии (анг., рус.).


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