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Австралия ввела санкции в поддержку Украины в российско-украинском конфликте

Материал из Викиновостей, свободного источника новостей

19 июня 2014 года

Джули Бишоп (англ. Julie Bishop) в 2007 году

19 июня 2014 года Министерство иностранных дел Австралии опубликовало список из 50 российских и украинских чиновников и политиков и 11 компаний, против которых вводятся санкции «в поддержку Украины» в российско-украинском конфликте.

Включённым в санкционный список лицам будет запрещён въезд на территорию Австралии, а их счета на территории страны будут заморожены.

О решении вести санкции Австралия сообщила ещё весной, однако персональный список был опубликован только сейчас. В мае же были выбраны 38 человек и 11 компаний. Сейчас к ним добавились еще 12 имен.

В список вошли в частности экс-президент Украины Виктор Янукович, премьер-министр Крыма Сергей Аксёнов, один из лидеров сепаратистов на востоке Украины Игорь Стрелков (Гиркин), депутаты российской Госдумы Елена Мизулина и Алексей Пушков, помощники президента России Владислав Сурков и Андрей Фурсенко.

Многие из тех, кто попал под санкции Австралии, уже значатся в списках других государств.

Например, депутат Госдумы от партии «Справедливая Россия» Елена Мизулина уже лишена активов и возможности въезжать на территорию США.

То же произошло с главой комитета Госдумы по международным делам Алексеем Пушковым и помощником президента России Владиславом Сурковым.

А премьер-министр Крыма Сергей Аксёнов в марте 2014 года угодил в «черный список» Евросоюза.

Глава министерства иностранных дел и торговли страны Джули Бишоп (англ. Julie Bishop) заявила:

«Я по-прежнему глубоко обеспокоена эскалацией событий на востоке Украины, которая привела к трагической гибели людей. Австралия солидарна с украинским народом в этом суровом испытании и призывает Россию вновь изменить курс. <...> Умышленная дестабилизация внутри Украины должна остановиться.»

Уполномоченный МИД России по правам человека, демократии и верховенству права Константин Долгов австралийские санкции назвал контрпродуктивным шагом:

«Любые односторонние санкции не помогают делу. Этот является недружественным. Это ущемление законных прав и интересов российских граждан. Как всегда, нами такие шаги без соответствующего адекватного ответа не оставляются.»

Фигуранты списка также высказывают неудовольства включением.

Так Председатель Совета Федерации Валентина Матвиенко сказала:

Это уже кривое зеркало, какой-то театр абсурда. Те, кто спровоцировал этот политический кризис, те, кто заварил эту кашу, привел страну в состояние гражданской войны, гуманитарной катастрофы, известны, но их имена не попадают ни в какие санкционные списки, — подчеркнула сегодня спикер верхней палаты российского парламента. — А России, которая борется за мирное решение политического кризиса, которая подставляет экономическое плечо Украине, никаким образом не является участником этого конфликта, все время угрожают, машут политической дубиной, вводят санкции.

Это просто театр абсурда, других комментариев у меня уже нет, <объявление санкций> уже у всех вызывает если не смех, то улыбки.

Где Австралия, и где Россия, где Украина?

Польностью текущий австралийский список включённых физических лиц выглядит следующим образом (как в источнике с переводом имени):

Имя (русский) Имя (английский) Дата рождения Дополнительная информаци
1 Сергей Глазьев Sergey Yur’yevich GLAZYEV 1/1/1961 Presidential Adviser to President Putin. Publicly called for the annexation of Crimea.
2 Андрей Клишас Andrei Aleksandrovich KLISHAS 11/9/1972 Member of the Federation Council and Chairman of its Committee on Constitutional Law. On 1 March 2014 Klishas publicly supported in the Federation Council the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine.
3 Валентина Матвиенко Valentina Ivanovna MATVIYENKO 4/7/1949 Speaker of the Federation Council. On 1 March 2014, she publicly supported in the Federation Council the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine.
4 Елена Мизулина Yelena Borisovna MIZULINA 12/9/1954 Head of the Family Affairs Committee in the State Duma. Originator and co-sponsor of legislative proposals in Russia that allow regions of other countries to join Russia without their central authorities’ agreement.
5 Дмитрий Рогозин Dmitry Olegovich ROGOZIN 12/21/1963 Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Publicly called for the annexation of Crimea.
6 Леонид Слуцкий Leonid Eduardovich SLUTSKIY 1/4/1968 State Duma Deputy and Chairman of the Commonwealth of Independent States Committee of the State Duma. Actively supported use of Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea.
7 Владислав Сурков Vladislav Yur’yevich SURKOV 9/21/1964 Presidential Aide to President Putin. Organiser of the process in Crimea by which local Crimean communities were mobilised to stage actions undermining the Ukrainian authorities in Crimea.
8 Александр Витко Aleksandr Viktorovich VITKO 9/13/1961 Commander of the Black Sea Fleet. Responsible for commanding Russian forces that have occupied Ukrainian sovereign territory.
9 Сергей Асёнов Serhiy Valeriyovich AKSYONOV 11/26/1972 Aksyonov was elected «Prime Minister of Crimea» in the Crimean parliament on 27 February 2014 in the presence of pro-Russian gunmen. He actively lobbied for the referendum of 16 March 2014.
10 Владимир Константинов Volodomyr Andriyovych KONSTANTYNOV 3/19/1967 Chairman of the Crimean Parliament. Played a relevant role in the decisions taken by the parliament concerning the referendum against the territorial integrity of Ukraine and called on voters to cast votes in favour of Crimean Independence.
11 Виктор Медведчук Viktor Volodymyrovich MEDVEDCHUK 8/7/1954 Chairman of the Pro-Russian political organization Ukrainian Choice, a group which has tried to undermine democratic processes in Ukraine. Has provided support to former President Yanukovych.
12 Виктор Янукович Viktor Fedorovych YANUKOVYCH 7/9/1950 Former Ukrainian President. Subject to criminal proceedings in Ukraine to investigate crimes in connection with the embezzlement of Ukrainian State funds and their illegal transfer outside Ukraine.
13 Андрей Фурсенко Andrei Alexandrovich FURSENKO 7/17/1949 Aide to the President of the Russian Federation.A former Minister for Education and Science, Fursenko spoke in support of the integration of Crimea’s education system with that of Russia
14 Сергей Иванов Sergei Borisovich IVANOV 1/31/1953 Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office. As such, responsible for setting Russia’s policy on Ukraine.
15 Юрий Ковальчук Yuri Valentinovich KOVALCHUK 7/25/1951 Largest single shareholder in Bank Rossiya. Personal banker for senior officials including President Putin.
16 Аркадий Ротенберг Arkady Borisovich ROTENBERG 12/15/1951 Co-owner with Boris ROTENBERG of Stroygazmontazh Corporation (or SGM Group). Close financial associate of President Putin. Both have made billions of dollars in contracts from Gazprom and the Sochi Olympics awarded to them by Putin.
17 Борис Ротенберг Boris Borisovich ROTENBERG 1/3/1957 Co-owner with Arkady ROTENBERG of Stroygazmontazh Corporation (or SGM Group). Close financial associate of President Putin. Both have made billions of dollars in contracts from Gazprom and the Sochi Olympics awarded to them by Putin
18 Геннадий Тимченко Gennady Nikolayevich TIMCHENKO 11/9/1952 One of the founders of Gunvor, one of the world’s largest independent commodity trading companies involved in the oil and energy markets. Timchenko’s activities in the energy sector have been directly linked to Putin, who has investments in Gunvor and might have access to Gunvor funds.
19 Вячеслав Володин Vyacheslav VOLODIN 2/4/1964 First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office. Responsible for overseeing the political integration of Crimea into the Russian Federation.
20 Владимир Якунин Vladimir Ivanovich YAKUNIN 6/30/1948 Chairman of the Board of state-owned Russian Railways. Close personal and financial associate of President Putin
21 Олег Белавенцев Oleg Yevgenyvich BELAVANTSEV 9/16/1949 Russia’s Presidential Envoy to Crimea. Non-permanent member of the Russian Security Council. Responsible for the implementation of the constitutional prerogatives of the Russian Head of State on the territory of the annexed Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
22 Евгений Бушмин Evgeni Viktorovich BUSHMIN 04/10/1958 или 10/10/1958 Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council. On 1 March 2014 Bushmin publicly supported in the Federation Council the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine.
23 Владимир Джабаров Vladimir Michailovich DZHABAROV 9/29/1952 First Deputy Chairman, Federation Council International Affairs Committee. Supported use of Russian armed forces in Ukraine.
24 Алексей Громов Alexei Alexeyevich GROMOV 5/31/1960 First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office; Member of the State Commission for the Socio-Economic Development of Crimea and Sevastopol
25 Ольга Ковитиди Olga Fedorovna KOVITIDI 5/7/1962 Member of the Russian Federation Council representing Crimea. Former Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea.
26 Дмитрий Козак Dmitry Nikolayevich KOZAK 11/7/1958 Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Responsible for overseeing the integration of the annexed Autonomous Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation. Deputy Head of the State Commission for the Socio-Economic Development of Crimea and Sevastopol.
27 Владимир Кожин Vladimir Igorevich KOZHIN 2/28/1959 Head of Administration under the President of the Russian Federation during the annexation of Crimea. Moved to become Presidential adviser on military-technical cooperation.
28 Сергей Миронов Sergei Mikhailovich MIRONOV 2/14/1953 Member of the Russian Duma. Initiator of the bill allowing the Russian Federation to admit in its composition, territories of a foreign country without the consent of that country or of an international treaty.
29 Сергей Нарышкин Sergey Yevgenyevich NARYSHKIN 10/27/1954 Speaker of the Russian Duma. Member of the National Security Council and of the United Russia Party. Publicly supported the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine. Publicly supported the Russia-Crimea reunification treaty and the related federal constitutional law.
30 Виктор Озеров Viktor Alekseevic OZEROV 1/5/1958 Chairman of the Russian Federation Council Security and Defence Committee. On 1 March 2014 Ozerov supported the use of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine.
31 Олег Пантелеев Oleg Evgenevich PANTELEEV 7/21/1952 First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Committee on Parliamentary Issues. On 1 March Panteleev publicly supported the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine.
32 Алексей Пушков Aleksei PUSHKOV 8/10/1954 Deputy of the State Duma. Chair of the Duma International Relations Committee. Source of many statements undermining Ukraine’s territorial integrity.
33 Николай Рыжков Nikolai Ivanovich RYZHKOV 9/28/1929 Member of the Russian Federation Council Committee for Federal Issues, Regional Politics and the North. On 1 March 2014 Ryzhkov publicly supported in the Federation Council the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine.
34 Олег Савельев Oleg Genrikhovich SAVELYEV 10/27/1965 Appointed Minister for Crimean Affairs in the Russian Government on 31 March. Working actively to integrate Crimea.
35 Игорь Сергун Igor Dmitrievich SERGUN 3/28/1957 Lieutenant General, Head of Main Intelligence Directorate of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GRU).Responsible for the activity of GRU officers in Eastern Ukraine.
36 Александр Тотунов Aleksandr Borisovich TOTOONOV 3/3/1957 Member of Russian Federation Council Committee on Culture, Science, Information. On 1 March Totoonov publicly supported the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine.
37 Сергей Железняк Sergei Vladimirovich ZHELEZNYAK 7/30/1970 Deputy Speaker of the Russian State Duma. Actively supported the use of Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea.
38 Алексей Чалый Aleksei Mikhailovich CHALIY 6/13/1961 Became «Mayor of Sevastopol» by popular acclamation on 23 February 2014 and accepted this «vote» into office. He actively campaigned for Sevastopol to become a separate entity of Russia.
39 Игорь Стрелков (Игорь Гиркин) Igor Vsevolodovich GIRKIN Possibly 17/12/1970 A suspected military employee of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GRU); leader of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic.
40 Михаил Малышев Mikhail Grigorevich MALYSHEV 10/10/1955 Chairman of the Crimea Electoral Commission. Responsible for administering the Crimean referendum.
41 Виктор Медведев Valery Kirillovich MEDVEDEV 8/21/1946 Chair of the Sevastopol Electoral Commission. Responsible for administering the Crimean referendum.
42 Вячеслав Пономарёв Vyacheslav Vladimirovich PONOMARYOV 5/2/1965 Self-proclaimed «People’s Mayor» of Slovyansk. Responsible for capture of OSCE observers.
43 Денис Пушилин Denis Vladimirovich PUSHILIN 5/9/1982 Self-proclaimed spokesman of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic.
44 Рустам Темиргалиев Rustam Ilmirovich TEMIRGALIEV 8/15/1976 Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Crimea; Crimean Deputy Prime Minister. Played a relevant role in the decisions taken by the Crimean Parliament concerning the referendum against the territorial integrity of Ukraine. He lobbied actively for integration of Crimea into the Russian Federation.
45 Сергей Цеков Sergey Pavlovych TSEKOV 28/03/1953 or 28/09/1953 Vice Speaker of the Crimean Parliament. Tsekov initiated, together with Sergey Aksyonov, the unlawful dismissal of the government of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
46 Юрий Жеребцов Yuriy Gennadyevich ZHEREBTSOV 11/19/1969 Counsellor of the Speaker of the Parliament of Crimea. One of the leading organisers of the 16 March 2014 Crimean «referendum» against Ukraine’s territorial integrity.
47 Пётр Зима Pyotr Anatoliyovych ZIMA 3/29/1965 Head of Crimean SBU (Security Service of Ukraine). Has given relevant information to the Russian Intelligence Service. Played a role in preventing Ukraine’s authorities from controlling the territory of Crimea.
48 Александр Галкин Aleksandr Viktorovich GALKIN 3/22/1958 Commander of Russia’s Southern Military District (SMD). SMD forces are deployed in Crimea. Responsible for part of the Russian military presence in Crimea. Additionally, the Black Sea Fleet falls within the District’s control.
49 Анатолий Сидоров Anatoliy Alekseevich SIDOROV 7/2/1958 Commander of Russia’s Western Military District, units of which are deployed in Crimea. Responsible for part of the Russian military presence in Crimea.
50 Денис Березовский Deniz Valentinovich BEREZOVSKIY 7/15/1974 Former Commander of Ukrainian Navy, who switched sides to support Russia.

В список включены также следующие компании (как в источнике с переводом названия):

Название (русский) Название (английский) Адрес Дополнительная информация
1 Россия (банк) Bank Rossiya 2 Liter A Pl. Tastrelli, St Petersburg 191124, Russia Personal bank for senior officials of the Russian Federation
2 ИнвестКапиталБанк Invest Capital Bank 100/1, Dostoevskogo Street, Ufa, 450077, Bashkhortostan Republic, Russian Federation Controlled by Arkady and Boris Rotenberg; Website: www.investcapitalbank.ru
3 СМП Банк SMP Bank 71/11 Sadovnicheskaya Street, Moscow 115035, Russian Federation Controlled by Arkady and Boris Rotenberg; Email: smpbank@smpbank.ru; Website: www.smpbank.ru
4 Стройгазмонтаж (СГМ Групп) Stroygazmontazh 53 Prospekt Vernadskogo, Moscow, 119415, Russian Federation Gas pipeline construction company owned or controlled by Arkaday Rotenberg. Rotenberg created SGM Group in 2008 after acquiring multiple Gazprom contractors; Email: info@ooosgm.ru; Website: www.ooosgm.com, www.ooosgm.ru
5 Aquanika (Русское Время) Aquanika aka Russkoye Vremya LLC 47A, Sevastopolskiy Ave, of. 304, Moscow 117186, Russia; 1/2 Rodnikovaya ul., Savasleika s., Kulebakski raion, Nizhegorodskaya oblast 607007, Russia Russia-based mineral water and soft drink company. Owned or controlled by the Volga Group and Gennady Nikolayevich Timchenko. Email: office@aquanika.com; Website: www.aquanika.com, www.aquanikacompany.ru
6 Авиа Групп Avia Group LLC Terminal Aeroport Sheremetyevo Khimki, 141400 Moskovskaya obl Involved in ground infrastructure for the Business Aviation Centre at Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow offering aircraft maintenance services, including aircraft storage and organization support services for flight operations. Avia Group LLC is owned or controlled by the Volga Group and Gennady Nikolayevich Timchenko. Website: www.avia-group.su
7 Авиа Групп север Avia Group Nord LLC 17A, Stratoyava St., St Petersburg, Russia Provides management services for corporate aviation at Pulkovo International Airport in Saint Petersburg. Avia Group Nord LLC is owned or controlled by the Volga Group and Gennady Nikolayevich Timchenko.Website: www.ag-nord.ru
8 Стройгазмонтаж Stroytransgaz Group 3 Begovaya Street, Building #1, Moscow 125284, Russia A Russian construction group, comprising a number of business entities that specialise in different aspects of the construction industry. Stroytransgaz is owned or controlled by the Volga Group and Gennady Nikolayevich Timchenko. Website: www.stroytransgaz.ru
9 Volga Group The Volga Group 3, rue de la Reine L-2418, Luxembourg An investment strategy group that is owned or controlled by Gennady Timchenko.
10 Трансойл Transoi 18A, Petrogradskaya nab., St Petersburg, 197046, Russia Russia-based rail freight operator that specialises in the transportation of oil and oil products. Transoil is owned or controlled by the Volga Group.Email: info@toil.spb.ru ; Website: www.transoil-spb.ru, www.transoil.com
11 Черноморнефтегаз Chernomorneftegaz aka Crimean Oil and Gas Company Simferopol, Ukraine Vice Speaker of the Crimean Parliament. Tsekov initiated, together with Sergey Aksyonov, the unlawful dismissal of the government of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.




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  • Захват части территории суверенного государства является преступлением. Санкции справедливы. Европе не удалось остановить А. Гитлера в 1938 году и в сентябре 1939 года началась Вторая мировая война. Опыт прошлого для всех защитников демократии стал историческим уроком. — Эта неподписанная реплика добавлена с IP 2a02:bf0:100:8dfa:ec8a:6c6e:ee62:4f08 (о) 05:51, 5 июля 2020‎